Uri Geller

Inspirational Motivational Speaker

Audience Feedback

A small selection of some of the feedback Uri has received from audiences of his lectures.

  • Uri’s motivational abilities are by far the most effective from all the inspirational and motivational gurus we have seen”
  • After listening to dignitaries such as President Bill Clinton and Vice President Dick Cheney at The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland it was such a delight and surprise to have Uri Geller perform his amazing feats with such riveting and mesmerising delivery”
  • Beyond the impressive abilities you demonstrated, you gave us your business and personal vision, the belief in creative, daring and positive thinking as well."
  • Uri's lecture mesmerized a sold out hall on his first visit to Norway in 35 years. His performance was filled with positivity, it was entertaining and motivating. Uri has the gift of creating great interest and to inspire people! Uri will be invited back to Norway."